Guango Lodge is located on private property surrounded by temperate forest teeming with flocks of birds. "Guango" in the Quichua language means "a place of great mountains that crisscross, whose waters concur to form mighty rivers in deep valleys covered by the cloud forest of the Andean slopes, under an ever-changing climate and a typical drizzle". This combination of geographic and climatic factors makes Guango a true gateway to the rainforests to the east or west. Guango has always been a necessary stop along the traditional route from Quito to the Napo River and remains one to this day. As part of the Papallacta region, Guango is the central point between the cold forest and Andean highlands and also between the Amazonian ethnic groups and Quito.
This regular stop for travelers and transport carriers for years was transformed in the mid-twentieth century into a cattle farm. Today, it is a hostel specializing in nature tourism located between the Antisana Reserve and Cayambe-Coca National Park. Over the years, the majority of the property has remained untouched.