The lodge

Wildlife and Birds

Incredible wildlife and birds designed by the nature

Wildlife & Birds

Wildlife & Birds (1)

Category of Wildlife and Birds

Wildlife & Birds

25 Mar,2013

Be it a day trip from Quito, or a few nights in a gorgeous Andean valley with towering crests and forest-blanketed slopes, Guango Lodge provides a great getaway opportunity. Kilometers of trails wind through beautiful habitats where orchids hang from mossy branches and Black-and-chestnut Eagles still soar. Some groups have even been treated to spotting the occasional Mountain Tapir.

Birds are an important part of Guango’s fauna. Some birds of particular interest that we have seen regularly at Guango include the Andean Guan, Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, Turquoise Jay, Scarlet-bellied, Lacrimose, Buff-breasted and Hooded Mountain-Tanagers, Gray-hooded Bush-Tanager, Black-headed, Black-capped and Black-eared Hemispingus, and Slaty Brush-Finch.

Guango’s growing orchid garden is a fascinating place to spend some time as there is almost always a nice assortment in bloom. Believed to be one of the most orchid-rich areas in the world, for your enjoyment, Guango has a fascinating selection of local species found all around the lodge.
